Servitude Lanes

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Easement Range is the term that defines the security corridor established for protect the Transmission Line. Proper occupation and conservation of right-of-way and security lanes contribute to ensuring full operation, execution of maintenance services, faster location of anomalies in the lines, preservation of the environment, safety of people and property in your vicinity.

Essa margem varia de acordo com cada projeto. Respeitar as delimitações da Faixa de Servidão contribui para prevenir possíveis acidentes e interrupções no fornecimento de energia à população.

The domain of the land remains with the owner, but with restrictions on use, it must be kept free of constructions and large and/or perennial crops. The concessionaire, in addition to the right of way for the line, has free access to the respective facilities.

Confira em nosso hotsite como contribuir para evitar incêndios florestais.

Em caso de dúvidas sobre Faixa de Servidão, entre em contato pelo nosso Fale Conosco

Ex: 2001, 2010, 2021
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